Sunday, September 13, 2009

September 7th: Snaggle Tooth!

For weeks, Zailey has had this not-so-cute snaggle tooth {as I call it}. She's been too afraid to pull it out for fear that it might hurt. Well, the way she lost it was totally unexpected and quite funny. I have to start by telling you what she did earlier that morning because I thought it was so cute that I actually took some pictures of it.

Sunday morning, Zailey wanted to make breakfast for everyone. So she made some PUFFINS {pancake muffins}. We got the idea from bakerella {a baking blog}, but we totally cheated and used a pancake mix. Zailey made a batch of blueberry puffins and a batch of banana. Yummy!

The pics of her this morning show her beautiful snaggle tooth. Nice, huh? The tooth hung in there up until bedtime. And the process of getting ready for bed, Zailey somehow very clumsily fell backwards onto her little booty. I guess the impact was so great that she lost not just her snaggle tooth but the one next to it as well! They both went flying!!! Once she realized that she lost her teeth, she ran downstairs with her gummy smile to tell us the news while the boys ran upstairs to search for her lost teeth.

Guess we know what she'll want for this Christmas...

Her two front teeth! LOL!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

August 23rd: Shine Wax

Everyone knows that.....a silent toddler is a mischievous toddler.'s our story of Selah. The super silly, silent, sugary sweet, SHINE WAXed sweetheart.

It was a great day! We went to church, had lunch and enjoyed a peaceful afternoon. Too peaceful in fact! We knew trouble lurked around the corner. We snuck up on our little rascal who hid ever so quietly in our dark treasure-filled bathroom and found this......

{what's left of mommy's Shine Wax}

Our sugar baby was smothered, smeared and slopped from head to toe in Mommy's hair product. Shine Wax. Doesn't she look so pretty and sparkly? LOL! :) Before the words could roll off of Mommy's tongue, Daddy said...."Quick, take a picture before we wash her." Ahhhhhh, I love that man! So we snapped a few pics of our Shiny Girl! She's so sparkly! ♥

Monday, August 31, 2009

August 22nd: Cosmic Hula Hoop Party

We recently celebrated Zailey's 7th birthday and Selah's 2nd with
a COSMIC HULA HOOP & CRAZY SOCK Party!Zailey wanted a hula hoop party, and we added our own twist to it. I decided to make a lot of the party items with help from the friends and family, and I couldn't have done it without their help. A huge "THANKS" to my party planners/assistants! ☺ All the projects turned out awesome and are featured on a craft blog that I've been doing with my sister, Gina. So if you'd like to take a peek at some of the things we've done, we're {two little chickadees}.

For one of our party crafts, we made and decorated hula hoops! My sweet husband, Michael, made approximately 20 hula hoops out of irrigation tubing. Phew! That's a lot! He's such a good sport and is always so patient with my crazy ideas. He's a keeper! ♥

The kids really enjoyed decorating their hoops with electrical tape and stickers and putting their own "spin" on them. We borrowed cosmic lights from our friend who's family used to own a bowling alley that hosted comic bowling nights. SCORE!!! We hung homemade disco balls that added just the right touch to a stellar night! Everyone wore a pair of crazy fun mismatched socks and glow necklaces. And when it finally got dark, we turned off the lights, cranked up the music and hula hooped to our hearts content! We even caught Grammy doing a few hula hoop tricks!
What a fun time!

"HOOP" you enjoyed your special day!
Happy Birthday, Zailey & Selah!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

August 10th: First Day of School!

Summer came and went. Next thing we knew, the kids were back in school!

Keaton started 8th grade this year, Camden 3rd and Zailey 2nd. And yes of course, I took pictures! {ok so just a little background on mom: I'm the crazy mom who snaps pictures of her kids every chance she gets with intentions of scrapbooking them in the future....but never really does. Yes, I admit....I'm that mom. *hangs head & shakes it in shame* LOL!} So I had them all take individual pictures before school and then some with their friends. Seriously after the 2nd or 3rd picture, they were soooooooooooo over it. Someday they'll appreciate it, right??

Well, here's to another great school year!!! We're looking forward to all the knowledge and adventures this year will bring!

Here are a few pics I took of our kiddos....

I know I sound like the typical mom, but really.....
I can't believe how big they've gotten!

So here we are....Expect DeLays!

We've decided to start a family blog because many of our relatives live out of state and thought this would be a great way to keep everyone updated on our crazy busy life. The events, successes, fun stuff and just plain silliness that make us who we are. Our goal with this is to bring our family closer to those that are important in our lives.....our family and friends. We hope you enjoy being a part of it and taking the journey with us!
We are truly blessed!

So here we are....Expect DeLays!